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A Place To Remember And Honor

George Floyd Square: A Commemorative Symbol and a Place of Remembrance

A Place to Remember and Honor

George Perry Floyd Square, the official name for the intersection of 38th Street and Chicago Avenue, serves as a powerful commemorative symbol of the life and tragic death of George Floyd. The site, where Floyd was fatally detained by police in 2020, has become a place of remembrance, protest, and community gathering.

A Symbol of Change and Justice

The square is a tangible representation of the nationwide uprising that followed Floyd's death, galvanizing conversations about racial injustice and police brutality. Cardboards displaying the demands of activists adorned the square, showcasing the collective call for change. The renaming of the site pays tribute to Floyd's memory and acknowledges the transformative impact his death has had on society.

A Place of Remembrance and Reflection

As a place of remembrance, George Floyd Square invites visitors to reflect on Floyd's life and the events that transpired here. The square serves as a poignant reminder of the profound loss inflicted upon both Floyd's family and the community at large. Visitors can pay their respects and engage in conversations about the ongoing struggle for justice and equality.

A Place of Protest and Activism

George Floyd Square remains a hub for protests and activism. Regular demonstrations, vigils, and community events take place here, drawing attention to ongoing racial issues and demanding accountability. The square provides a platform for voices to be heard and serves as a reminder that the fight for justice must continue.


George Perry Floyd Square is not simply a street name. It is a living memorial, a testament to the collective outrage and determination that arose from the tragic loss of George Floyd. As we navigate the complexities of race, justice, and community, the square stands as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for progress. Through remembrance, protest, and activism, George Floyd Square inspires us to continue the fight for a world where all lives are valued and treated with dignity.
